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Feet of Clay Detector

(more on the origin of the metaphor)

These papers may be unreliable as they cite at least one retracted reference spotted by the Annulled Detector.

🕵️ Please post True Positives on PubPeer: the last column will link to your PubPeer comment.

🗣️ Report True/False Positives, ideas, or else using the Feedback feature.

📄 Cabanac, G. (2024). Chain retraction: how to stop bad science propagating through the literature [Comment].
Nature. 632(8027), 977-979.

📄 Naddaf, M., Van Noorden, R. (2024). Exclusive: the papers that most heavily cite retracted studies [News].


Last Update

⏰ Last Update: 05/09/2024 21:50

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Feet of Clay

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