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Tortured Phrases Detector

Papers matching 5+ tortured phrases or 1+ obvious tortured phrases (e.g., sign to clamor).

📄 Cabanac, G., Labbé, C., & Magazinov, A. (2022). “Bosom peril” is not “breast cancer”: How weird computer-generated phrases help researchers find scientific publishing fraud.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Online

📄 Cabanac, G., Labbé, C., & Magazinov, A. (2021). Tortured phrases: A dubious writing style emerging in science. Evidence of critical issues affecting established journals.
arXiv preprint. (supplementary materials)
▷ Featured in Nature (Else, 2021)

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YearDoctypePublisherVenueTitleCitationsAltmetricTipsDescendingTortured PhrasesAssessorPubPeer Users
2020proceedingInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2020 7th International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS)2020 7th International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS) - Full Conference Proceedings00139PC helped AND (be that as it OR on the off chance) • back spread AND neural • brilliant AND keen AND savvy AND shrewd • character acknowledgment AND character recognition • component guide AND CNN • element space AND feature space • feeling analysis AND sentiment analysis • genetic calculation AND genetic algorithm • grouping calculation AND clustering algorithm • high-goal AND high-resolution • hyper-boundaries AND hyperparameters • inexhaustible force AND renewable energy • jumping box AND bounding box • making countries AND developing nations • mistake rate AND error rate • picture acknowledgment AND image recognition • picture arrangement AND image classification • picture highlights AND image features • profound learning AND deep learning • query table AND lookup table • radio wire AND antenna • recurrence area AND signal • remote detecting AND remote sensing • signal preparing AND signal processing • speech acknowledgment AND speech recognition • versatile correspondence AND network • vitality framework AND energy system • word installing AND word embedding • working framework AND operating system • AI calculation • Android stage • Bluetooth Low Vitality • Euclidean separation • Fourier change • Gabor channel • Gaussian conveyance • K-mean bunching • PC vision • Simple to-Computerized Converters • Symmetrical recurrence division multiplexing • acknowledgment framework • ancient rarities • completely associated layer • component extraction • concealed state • conveyance framework • convolutional neural system • crippled individuals • dim level co-event lattice • directing convention • discourse acknowledgment • discourse signal • discourse to-content • edge esteem • enactment vitality • evacuates the commotion • example acknowledgment • extricating highlights~20 NOT specular • facial acknowledgment • fix reception apparatus • fluffy framework • fluffy systems • fourth era (4G) • getting ready and testing • ghastly productivity • ghastly proficiency • heart ailments • hereditary calculation • high-exactness • highlight extraction NOT specular • histogram evening out • histogram levelling • hyperspectral symbolism • impedance coordinating • info and yield • info information • info picture • information mining • information picture • information stockpiling • informational collection • informational index • initiation vitality • inserted framework • installed framework • invulnerable reaction • k-implies bunching • k-implies grouping • keen framework • misfortune rate • neuro-fluffy • optical character acknowledgment • organize lifetime • parcel misfortune • picture acknowledgment • picture division • picture inscribing • picture preparing • plant ailments • pre-preparing • preparation dataset • preparation informational index • preparing information • profound neural system • radio recurrence • random woodland • recognizable proof • records arrangement • recurrence band • recurrence range • recurrence scope • remaining vitality • remote sensor arrange • remote sensor organize • remove highlights NOT specular • restrictive likelihood • return misfortune • second-age (2G) • separate the highlights NOT specular • shading histogram • shading pictures • shading space • shrewd sensors • sign to clamor • spare vitality • specially appointed system • speech acknowledgment • steering convention • surface highlights NOT specular • trademark highlights • unearthCabanacGuillaume Cabanac
2021chapterWileyGreen Internet of Things and Machine LearningMachine Learning–Enabled Techniques for Reducing Energy Consumption of IoT Devices3080big information AND big data • brilliant agreement AND smart contract • brilliant AND keen AND savvy AND shrewd • energy lattice AND energy grid • vitality age AND energy generation • vitality framework AND energy system • wellspring of energy AND source of energy • AI calculation • Bluetooth Low Vitality • CO2 emanation • GHG discharge • Huge data analytics • PV board • angle supported trees • brilliant gadget • brilliant home • brilliant lattice • brilliant metering • characterization and relapse • characterization relapse~5 • cooling framework • counterfeit neural organization • counterfeit neural • earth-wide temperature boost • electric vitality • energy proficiency • field programmable entryway exhibit • fourth modern upset • haze processing • haze registering • high-exactness • highlight extraction NOT specular • huge information • incorporated circuits • information stockpiling • installed framework • irregular woodland • keen city • keen framework • keen gadget • keen home • keen lattice • keen matrix • keen urban area • man-made brainpower • man-made reasoning • mist figuring • neural organization • ozone depleting substance outflows • prescient investigation • prescient model • radio recurrence • recognizable proof • remote sensor arrange • remote sensor organize • savvy cell phones • savvy city • savvy contract • savvy framework • savvy home • savvy metering • shrewd city • shrewd home • shrewd lattice • shrewd metering • shrewd transportation • sun oriented energy • sun oriented force • sunlight-based force • uphold vector machine • utilization of vitality • vitality effective • vitality meter • vitality productivity • vitality proficient • vitality source • vitality sparing • vitality utilization • wind vitality • worldwide temperature alterationCabanacGuillaume Cabanac
2022chapterWileyAdvanced Analytics and Deep Learning ModelsAdoption of Machine/Deep Learning in Cloud With a Case Study on Discernment of Cervical Cancer4071back spread AND neural • brilliant AND keen AND savvy AND shrewd • cloud stage AND cloud platform • grouping calculation AND clustering algorithm • help vectors AND support vectors • highlight determination AND feature selection • malignant growth AND cancer • managed learning AND supervised learning • picture acknowledgment AND image recognition • profound learning AND deep learning • regulated learning AND supervised learning • yield layer AND neural • AI calculation • Fourier change • Gaussian bit • PC upheld • PC vision • administered learning • arbitrary backwoods • arbitrary timberland • artificial brainpower • bunching strategies • choice tree • colossal arrangements of information • computerized reasoning • concealed layer • convolutional neural association • counterfeit neural organization • counterfeit neural • data gain • discourse acknowledgment • discrete Fourier change • distinguishing proof • enactment work • example arrangement • facial acknowledgment • grouping and relapse • grouping relapse~5 • help vector machine • highlight extraction NOT specular • huge information • info information • informational collection • informational index • intermittent organization • likelihood circulation • likelihood thickness • magnetic reverberation • man-made consciousness • man-made intelligence • man-made reasoning • misfortune work • neural associations • neural organization • optical character acknowledgment • phone core • picture acknowledgment • picture order • picture preparing • positron discharge tomography • preparation set • preparing information • preparing set • profound neural organization • put away in the cloud • regular language preparing • shrouded layer • simulated intelligence • straight relapse • unaided learning calculations • unaided learningCabanacGuillaume Cabanac
2021articleIOP PublishingJournal of Physics Conference SeriesMachine Learning Based Classification Models for Heart Disease Prediction2171bosom AND breast • help vectors AND support vectors • hyper-boundaries AND hyper-parameters • malignant growth AND cancer • AI calculation • K-closest neighbors • PC vision • Parkinson's illness • Parkinson's infection • Parkinson's sickness • affectability, explicitness • arbitrary woods • arrangement exactness • arrangement precision • artificial neural organizations • backing vector machine • backing vector • bosom disease • bosom malignancy • bosom malignant • cardiovascular breakdown • chest torture • choice tree • collector working trademark • component determination calculation • computer-based intelligence • condition of craftsmanship • convolutional neural organization • coronary ailment • coronary course • coronary illness • coronary sickness • counterfeit neural organization • counterfeit neural • cross-approval • crossover arbitrary woods with a straight model • discourse acknowledgment • distinguishing proof • exactness accuracy~5 • fast contingent shared data • forecast exactness • genuine world dataset • grouping exactness • heart sickness • help vector machine • hereditary calculation • high-exactness • highlight determination calculation • include choice • infection recognizable proof • information mining • informational index • initiation work • logistic relapse • machine interpretation • man-made intelligence • neural organization • normal language handling • periphery course disorder • prescient framework • prescient model • profound conviction organization • profound neural organization • recognizable proof • repetitive neural organizations • respiratory disappointment • secret layer • square mistake • subterranean insect state • uphold vector machine • weight esteemCabanacGuillaume Cabanac, Elisabeth M Bik, Kim Eggleton
2017articleWorld Scientific PublishingInternational Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution and Information ProcessingApplications of wavelet transform on power engineering problems — A brief review0069back engendering AND neural • back spread AND neural • element choice AND feature selection • highlight determination AND feature selection • recurrence area AND signal • Fourier change • Kalman channel • actuation capacities • back proliferation • back-engendering calculation • bolster vector machine • bolster vector relapse • bolster vector • brilliant matrix • choice tree • component extraction • computational multifaceted nature • concealed layer • concealed neuron • conveyance framework • cross breed model~5 • cross breed techniques • cross-approval • customary strategies • discrete Fourier change • distinguishing proof • extricating highlights~20 NOT specular • fake neural • fast Fourier change • flag preparing • fluffy deduction • fluffy framework • fluffy guideline • fluffy rationale • grouping exactness • half and half technique • half breed model • hereditary calculation • highlight extraction NOT specular • highlight vector • identification and arrangement • info and yield • manufactured neural system • manufactured neural • measurable investigation • molecule swarm • most elevated precision • moving normal (ARIMA) • neuro-fluffy • pre-handling • quick Fourier change • recognizable proof • recurrence band • recurrence range • recurrence space • self sorting out • speculation capacity • squared mistake • sunlight-based force • time and recurrence space • time recurrence area • vitality devouring • vitality market • vitality meter • vitality sparing • wavelet change • wavelet decay • wellness esteem • worldwide inquiryCabanacGuillaume Cabanac
2021articleInstitute of Advanced Engineering and ScienceIndonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceA comparative and comprehensive study of prediction of Parkinson’s disease0067component choice AND feature selection • design acknowledgment AND pattern recognition • help vectors AND support vectors • highlight determination AND feature selection • malignant growth AND cancer • 10-crease cross • AI calculation • Alzheimer's infection • K-closest neighbors • PC assisted • Parkinson's illness • Parkinson's infection • Parkinson's sickness • R2 esteem • Rotation woodland • Transform woods • arbitrary backwoods • arrangement calculation • arrangement execution • backing vector machine • backing vector • bacterial searching improvement • channel determination naive Bayes • choice tree • cross-approval • dimensionality decrease • direct discriminant examination • discourse signal • discourse tests • exactness accuracy~5 • extricated highlights NOT specular • fake neural organizations • fake neural • fluffy C implies • gullible Bayes • head part investigation • help vector machine • highlight determination calculation • highlight extraction NOT specular • include choice • inertial estimation unit • informational index • invulnerable framework • leucine-rich recurrent kinase 2 • man-made consciousness • mean outright mistake • molecule swarm • multifacet perceptron • naive Bayes relation based with highlight subset • neural organization • normal exactness • outrageous learning machine • outspread premise work • prescient model • profound neural organization • programmed acknowledgment • recurrence space • relation based generally highlight decision • rest behavior disorder screening structure • sigmoid actuation • sound individuals • square mistake • squared blunder • standardized root mean square mistake • subthalamic core • time and recurrence space • voice flagCabanacGuillaume Cabanac
2021chapterTaylor & FrancisHandbook of Research for Big DataRole of Machine Learning in Big Data Peregrination4065brilliant AND keen AND savvy AND shrewd • grouping calculation AND clustering algorithm • help vectors AND support vectors • internet learning AND Machine learning • non-direct AND non-straight • profound learning AND deep learning • vaticination AND algorithm • yield layer AND neural • AI calculation • AI draws near • K-closest neighbors • administered learning • arrangement and relapse • back proliferation • bogus positive • boisterous information • bolster vector machine • bolster vector • brilliant cultivating • component extraction • concealed layer • convolutional neural system • cross-approval • dimensionality decrease • direct relapse • discourse acknowledgment • guileless Bayes • gullible Bayes • head part examination • help vector machine • hereditary calculation • highlight designing • huge information • include choice • info information • information mining • informational index • irregular request • irregular timberland • likelihood appropriation • limited Boltzmann machine • named information • non-straight change • outfit learning • peculiarity discovery • picture division • polynomial relapse • pre-handling • pre-preparing • preparation set • preparing set • prescient capacity • profound conviction systems • savvy cultivating • savvy home • savvy lattice • shrewd metering • solo learning • speed, assortment • strategic relapse • support vector relapse • unaided learning • vitality productivity • vitality utilization • wavelet changeCabanacGuillaume Cabanac, N. H. Wise
2022chapterTaylor & FrancisIoT and AI Technologies for Sustainable LivingText and Multimedia Mining through Machine Learning0064business knowledge AND business intelligence • content arrangement AND classification • highlight choice AND feature selection • irregular forest AND random forest • pack-of-words AND bag of words • profound learning AND deep learning • AI calculation • Inclination boosting • K-closest neighbors • PC vision • accuracy and review • accuracy, review and f1-score • administered AI • arbitrary woods • backing vector machine • backing vector • choice tree • classification and relapse • client lifetime esteem • common language handling • commotion levels • component extraction • computer-based intelligence • counterfeit neural organization • counterfeit neural • cross-approval • dimensionality decrease • direct blend • direct relapse • distant detecting • distinguishing proof • electronic thinking • exactness accuracy~5 • exactness and review • exactness, accuracy, review • exactness, accuracy, review, and F1-score • example acknowledgment • feature choice • genuine esteemed • gullible Bayes • hyper otherworldly • information digging • information mining • information stockroom • irregularity identification • linear relapse • machine interpretation • misfortune capacity • misfortune work • neural organization • picture division • picture preparing • pre-handling • preparation information • preparing information • prescient investigation • prescient model • recognizable proof • sack of words • spam sifting • squared mistake • straight relapse • sub-undertaking • supposition examinationCabanacGuillaume Cabanac, Solal Pirelli
2021chapterTaylor & FrancisData Science and Data AnalyticsMachine and Deep Learning Techniques for Internet of Things Based Cloud Systems1063arrangement model AND classification model • directed learning AND supervised learning • grouping calculation AND clustering algorithm • help vectors AND support vectors • interruption location AND intrusion detection • managed learning AND supervised learning • measurable learning AND deep learning • organization traffic AND network traffic • picture acknowledgment AND image recognition • profound learning AND deep learning • relapse strategies AND regression • yield layer AND neural • AI calculation • DoS assault • Euclidean separation • arbitrary woodland • artificial neural organizations • backing vector machine • backing vector • brilliant home • choice tree • clever grid • concealed layer • crude information • cyber assault • data gain • digital assault • disavowal of administration assaults • disavowal of administration • discourse acknowledgment • face acknowledgment • grouping and relapse • grouping relapse~5 • half breed model • help vector machine • highlight portrayal • image acknowledgment • in genuine time • include choice • info and yield • info information • informational collection • informational index • innocent Bayes • intermittent neural organizations • interruption recognition • named information • neural associations • neural organization • organization assault • picture acknowledgment • pre-preparing • preparation dataset • preparation information • preparation informational index • preparing information • profound reinforcement learning • refusal of administration • savvy framework • shrewd home • shrouded layer • shrouded units • solo learningCabanacGuillaume Cabanac
2022chapterSpringer NatureInternet of ThingsRole of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Internet of Things enabled Smart Cities3062example acknowledgement AND pattern recognition • help vectors AND support vectors • internet learning AND Machine learning • profound learning AND deep learning • yield layer AND neural • AI calculation • PC vision • administered ML • administered learning • arbitrary backwoods • bosom disease • bosom malignancy • brilliant gadget • choice tree • computerized reasoning • convolutional neural organization • coronary illness • counterfeit neural organization • counterfeit neural • crude information • data and correspondence innovations • digital assault • dimensionality decrease • discourse acknowledgment • distinguishing proof • feedforward neural organization • firefly calculation • genuine world dataset • grouping relapse~5 • gullible Bayes • hereditary calculation • huge information • info layer • intermittent neural organizations • k-implies bunching • machine interpretation • man-made consciousness • man-made reasoning • misfortune work • molecule swarm • neural organization • picture division • pre-handling • preparation information • preparation set • preparing information • prescient model • profound conviction network • profound neural organization • regular language handling • repetitive neural organizations • secret layer • shrewd agreement • shrewd city • shrewd gadget • simulated intelligence • solo learning • stochastic angle • swarm streamlining • touchy information • unaided bunching • unaided learningCabanacGuillaume Cabanac
2024articleEducational Administration Theory and Practice journalInterpretable And Proactive Intrusion Detection Using Discrete Optimization Learning: Futuristic Approach0062PC organization AND computer network • bogus positive AND false positive • element choice AND feature selection • exploratory outcomes AND experimental results • highlight determination AND feature selection • interruption location AND intrusion detection • mind association AND neural network • network safety AND network security • organization traffic AND network traffic • profound learning AND deep learning • AI calculation • DDoS assault • LSTM organization • accuracy and review • accuracy, review and f1-score • arrangement calculation • bogus negative FN~5 • bogus positive • bogus up-sides • brain organization • component extraction • convolution brain organization • convolutional brain organization • cross breed model~5 • crude information • enactment capability • exactness accuracy~5 • exactness and review • exactness, accuracy, review • gated repetitive units • gated-repetitive unit (GRU) • genuine negative TN~5 • genuine up-sides • half breed model • include choice • info layer • information entryway • interruption discovery • interruption identification frameworks • interruption recognition • irregularity discovery • long momentary memory • long transient memory organizations • long transient memory • man in the center • man-made brainpower • man-made intelligence • misfortune rate • misleading negative • misleading positive rate • neglect door • peculiarity identification • preparing misfortune • refusal of administration • repetitive brain organization • result door • savvy matrix • secret layer • sigmoid enactment • simulated intelligence • transient highlights • update entrywayCabanacGuillaume Cabanac, Encephalartos Friderici-guilielmi
2023articleSpringer NatureMultimedia Tools and ApplicationsRETRACTED ARTICLE: AI-ciphering techniques for connected vehicular Adhoc networks3162PC helped AND (be that as it OR on the off chance) • bogus negative AND false negative • bogus positive AND false positive • hyper-boundaries AND hyper-parameters • interruption location AND intrusion detection • profound learning AND deep learning • steering table AND network • working framework AND operating system • AI calculation • Center i7 • Client Datagram Convention • DDoS assault • DoS assault • GB Smash~3 • Intel Center i7 • Jupyter Journal • K-closest neighbors • Macintosh layer • PC helped demonstrating • abnormality identification • administered learning • arrangement calculation • backing vector machine • backing vector • bogus positive • calculated relapse • choice tree • clog control • counterfeit neural system • counterfeit neural • credulous Bayes • directing convention • disavowal of administration assaults • disavowal of administration • edge esteem • energy proficiency • fake neural organizations • fake neural • fluffy framework • focal Asia • group head (CH) • grouping relapse~5 • guileless Bayes • gullible Bayes • hereditary calculation • hub assault • information mining • innocent Bayes • interruption discovery • interruption identification frameworks • interruption recognition • k-implies bunching • keen climate • limited Boltzmann machine • measurable highlights • multi-facet perceptron • neural organization • pernicious hub • refusal of administration • steering convention • strategic relapse • worldwide diaryCabanacNerita Vitiensis, Encephalartos Friderici-guilielmi, Hoya Camphorifolia
2020articleElsevierMaterials Today ProceedingsRETRACTED > A technical survey on various machine learning approaches for Parkinson’s disease classification6060component determination AND feature selection • help vectors AND support vectors • measurable learning AND deep learning • non-direct AND non-straight • order exactness AND classification accuracy • profound learning AND deep learning • recurrence goal AND signal • yield layer AND neural • K-closest neighbors • K-mean bunching • Mel Recurrence Cepstral • Parkinson's ailment • Parkinson's illness • Parkinson's infection • Parkinson's malady • Parkinson's sickness • administered learning • affectability and particularity • arbitrary backwoods • arrangement precision • blunder rate • bolster vector machine • bolster vector • bunching clustering~20 • completely associated layer • component determination calculation • convolutional neural system • counterfeit neural system • counterfeit neural • covered layer • cross-approval • discourse highlights • discourse impedance • discourse signal • enactment work • exactness pace • grouping relapse~5 • half and half framework • help vector machine • hereditary calculation • high-exactness • highlight extraction NOT specular • inertial estimation unit • info layer • information and yield layers • informational collection • k-implies bunching • outfit learning • patient gathering • preparing tuples • profound neural system • programmed ID • redressed straight unit • remove highlights NOT specular • shrouded layer • sound individuals • spiral premise work • squared bumble • straight non-direct~5 • wavelet changeCabanacGuillaume Cabanac, Gerris Caucasicus
2021articleIOP PublishingJournal of Physics Conference SeriesNoval Approach For Chronic Kidney Disease Using Machine Learning Methodology3060yield layer AND neural • AI calculation • Gini list • K-closest neighbors • PC vision • Persistent kidney illness • Principal skewness investigation • accuracy, review and f1-score • acknowledgment execution • actuation work • arbitrary woodland • arrangement calculation • assessed glomerular filtration rate • bogus negative FN~5 • bogus positive FP~5 • bogus positive • calculated relapse • choice tree • coronary illness • credulous Bayes • cross-approval • data and correspondence innovation (ICT) • data and correspondence innovations • disarray grid • distant detecting • distinguishing proof • electronic wellbeing record • ensured wellbeing data • exploratory information examination • extricating highlights~20 NOT specular • feed-forward neural organization • focal sensory system • force PSA • genuine negative TN~5 • genuine positive TP~5 • guileless Bayes • highlight extraction NOT specular • highlight vector • hyperspectral picture • information mining • informational collection • informational index • irregular backwoods • irregular woodland • kidney sickness • last grades (FGs) • manageable improvement objective • neural associations • neural organization • normal exactness • persistent kidney sickness • pre-handling • preparing information • shrouded layer • sigmoid actuation • solo learning • speculation execution • straight relapse • strategic relapse • uphold vector machineCabanacGuillaume Cabanac, IOP Publishing, Kim Eggleton
2021chapterWileyData Analytics in BioinformaticsAn Innovative Machine Learning Approach to Diagnose Cancer at an Early Stage4059PC helped AND (be that as it OR on the off chance) • back spread AND neural • bosom AND breast • help vectors AND support vectors • malignant growth AND cancer • profound learning AND deep learning • yield layer AND neural • PC vision • acknowledgment framework • assistance vector machine • attractive reverberation • bolster vector machine • bolster vector • bosom disease • bosom malignant • choice tree • co-event framework • component extraction • computer-based intelligence • computerized reasoning • coronary illness • counterfeit insight • covered layer • distinguishing proof • example acknowledgment • fake neural • fluffy grouping • grouping relapse~5 • hereditary calculation • highlight extraction NOT specular • highlight vector • info picture • information mining • information picture • kidney disappointment • kind injuries • man-made cognizance • man-made consciousness • man-made intelligence • man-made reasoning • mind tumor • molecule swarm enhancement (PSO) • molecule swarm • neural organize • optical character acknowledgment • picture division • picture handling strategies • picture preparing • pixel esteems • programming bundle • recognizable proof • regular language handling • shading pictures • shrouded neuron • shrouded neurons • simulated intelligence • skin malignant growth • straight relapse • wavelet changeCabanacGuillaume Cabanac, Aspergillus Waksmanii, Cycloscala Crenulata
2024proceedingInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2024 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics, IoT and Industrial Informatics (ICMIII)Enhancing Sentiment Analysis through Text Classification Using Data Mining Approach0059help vectors AND support vectors • profound learning AND deep learning • AI calculation • ROC bend • administered learning calculations • administered learning • affiliation rule mining • arbitrary backwoods • back likelihood • backing vector machine • backing vector • brain organization • bunching clustering~20 • chief parts • choice tree • classification and relapse • component extraction • consideration system • contingent likelihood • convolutional brain organization • credulous Bayes • cross breed model~5 • customary strategies • cutting-edge execution • data gain • dimensionality decrease • directed learning calculation • disappearing angle issue • earlier likelihood • enactment capability • evaporating angle • exactness accuracy~5 • exactness, accuracy, review • exhibition of CNNs • gated intermittent units • guileless Bayes • gullible Bayes • help vector machine • hereditary calculation • highlight designing • highlight determination calculation • highlight extraction NOT specular • inclination supporting • include choice • innocent Bayes • irregular timberland • k-implies bunching • long momentary memory • misfortune capability • normal language handling • outfit learning • portion capabilities • region under the ROC bends • regular language handling • repetitive brain organization • slope plunge • speculation capacity • thickness based grouping • word portrayalsCabanacMuraltia Serpylloides, Nerita Vitiensis
2023proceedingInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2023 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Power, Electronics and Computer Applications (ICPECA)A Machine Learning Approach for Anomaly Detection in Power Mixing Equipment Intelligent Bearing Fault Diagnosis1059component determination AND feature selection • element choice AND feature selection • element determination AND feature selection • highlight choice AND feature selection • highlight determination AND feature selection • inclination drop AND ANN • issue conclusion AND fault diagnosis • issue determination AND fault • master framework AND expert system • recurrence area AND signal • recurrence goal AND signal • Fourier change • astute shortcoming finding • back proliferation • bearing shortcoming finding • brain organization • characterization execution • component determination calculation • computerized reasoning • counterfeit brain organization • counterfeit intelligence • crude information • exactness esteem • exactness rate • extricated highlights NOT specular • fluffy deduction • fluffy derivation framework • fluffy derivation • fluffy induction • fluffy rationale • foundation clamor • framework disappointment • genuine positive TP~5 • half and half methodology • hereditary calculation • highlight extraction NOT specular • highlights are extricated • include choice • informational collection • informational index • informative indexes • measurable highlights • otherworldly kurtosis • pre-handling • preparing information • preparing set • quick Fourier transform • recurrence space • responsiveness and particularity • shortcoming determination • sign handling strategies • sign to commotion • slope plummet • time recurrence area • time recurrence space • unearthly examination • wavelet change • wavelet decay • wellness esteemCabanacNerita Vitiensis, Jannik Peters
2022proceedingInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE)A Parkinson Disease Classification Using Stacking Ensemble Machine Learning Methodology8058channel banks AND MFCC • component determination AND feature selection • element choice AND feature selection • element determination AND feature selection • highlight choice AND feature selection • highlight determination AND feature selection • order exactness AND classification accuracy • selection tree AND decision tree • signal preparing AND signal processing • yield layer AND neural • AI calculation • Global Diary of • K-closest neighbors • Parkinson's illness • Parkinson's infection • Parkinson's sickness • arrangement precision • back proliferation • backing vector regression • backing vector • calculated relapse • classification and relapse • counterfeit neural organization • counterfeit neural • cross-approval • crude information • disarray network • discourse acknowledgment • discourse highlights • discourse investigation • discourse signal • discourse tests • dispersion lattice • element extractor • exactness accuracy~5 • exactness, review • extricated highlights NOT specular • fake neural organizations • fake neural • focal sensory system • global diary • head part examination • head part investigation • high-exactness • inclination plummet • info layer • information mining • informational index • informative indexes • k closest area • mechanized tomography • neural organization • programmed discourse acknowledgment • random timberland • relapse tree • spiral premise work • strategic relapse • wavelet changeCabanacEutypa Microasca, Nerita Vitiensis
2021chapterElsevierArtificial Intelligence to Solve Pervasive Internet of Things IssuesChapter 9 Machine Learning and Internet of Things for Smart Processing3058brilliant AND keen AND savvy AND shrewd • AI calculation • C-implies bunching • DDoS assault • Euclidean separation • Gaussian bit • MitM assault • SQL infusion • SQL infusions • affiliation rule mining • arrangement execution • attractive reverberation • botnet assault • brilliant machine • choice tree • contingent likelihood • convolutional neural system • crude information • dimensionality decrease • disavowal of administration assaults • disavowal of administration • electrical gadget • extricates highlights NOT specular • fluffy C implies • fluffy grouping • ghostly highlight • half breed classifier • half-breed approach • hereditary calculation • human-made consciousness • include choice • info picture • information distribution center • information mining • information picture • informational collection • man-in-the-middle (MitM) assault • most extreme probability • picture division • picture grouping • picture recovery • preparation information • preparing and testing datasets • prescient model • profound CNN • profound neural system • recurrence band • refusal of administration • sack of words • savvy machines • separating highlight NOT specular • shrewd lighting • sign to clamor • straightly indistinguishable • surface highlights NOT specular • touchy information • vitality utilization • word portrayalsCabanacN. H. Wise
2022proceedingInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)2022 International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and Computing (ICAAIC)Desktop Based Speech Recognition For Hearing And Visually Impaired Using Machine Learning0057channel banks AND MFCC • mistake rate AND error rate • recurrence area AND signal • speaker acknowledgement AND speaker recognition • speaker acknowledgment AND speaker recognition • speech acknowledgement AND speech recognition • speech acknowledgment AND speech recognition • text-ward AND text-dependent • Gaussian blend model • Gaussian blend • Linux Working Framework • WiFi organizations • acknowledgement framework • acknowledgment framework • blunder rate • chaotic grid • covariance lattice • disarray framework • disarray grid • disarray network • discontinuous cosine change • discourse acknowledgement • discourse acknowledgment • discourse handling • discourse recognition • discourse recognizer • discourse signal • discourse tests • discourse-to-message • dispersion lattice • distinguishing proof • exactness accuracy~5 • fluffy reasoning • foundation commotion • genuine negative TN~5 • genuine positive TP~5 • hammering window • hearing misfortune • highlight extraction NOT specular • highlights are extricated • k-implies bunching • lattice of covariance • power range thickness • pre-handling • programmed speech acknowledgment • recognizable proof • recurrence range • sign to clamor • speaker acknowledgement framework • speaker acknowledgment framework • speaker distinguishing proof • speaker recognizable proof • speaker's identifiable proof • speech acknowledgement • speech acknowledgment • text-autonomous • voice acknowledgmentCabanacEutypa Microasca, Nerita Vitiensis
  • 1 - 20 of 17,691