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Tortured Phrases Detector

Papers matching 5+ tortured phrases or 1+ obvious tortured phrases (e.g., sign to clamor).

📄 Cabanac, G., Labbé, C., & Magazinov, A. (2022). “Bosom peril” is not “breast cancer”: How weird computer-generated phrases help researchers find scientific publishing fraud.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Online

📄 Cabanac, G., Labbé, C., & Magazinov, A. (2021). Tortured phrases: A dubious writing style emerging in science. Evidence of critical issues affecting established journals.
arXiv preprint. (supplementary materials)
▷ Featured in Nature (Else, 2021)

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Last Update

⏰ Last Update: 2025-02-06 at 05:54

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  • 1 - 11 of 11
YearDoctypePublisherVenueTitleCitationsAltmetricTipsDescendingTortured PhrasesAssessorPubPeer Users
2019articleSAGE PublicationsJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy SystemsAdvanced credit score calculation using social media and machine learning1409bunching strategies • choice tree • exactness accuracy~5 • fluffy set • fluffy strategy • hereditary calculation • informational collection • neuro-fluffy • prescient exactnessCabanacGuillaume Cabanac, Eutypa Microasca, Rhipidura Albiventris
2019articleSAGE PublicationsJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy SystemsFPSOEE: Fuzzy-enabled particle swarm optimization-based energy-efficient algorithm in mobile ad-hoc networks2104information parcel AND data packet • routing convention AND routing protocol • hereditary calculation • man-made consciousnessCabanacGuillaume Cabanac
2019articleSAGE PublicationsJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy SystemsEnergy Aware Methodical Data Forwarding (EAMDF) mechanism in VANET304information parcel AND data packet • routing convention AND routing protocol • as takes after • directing conventionCabanacGuillaume Cabanac
2019articleSAGE PublicationsJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy SystemsA review on VANET routing protocols and proposing a parallelized genetic algorithm based heuristic modification to mobicast routing for real time message passing903distinguishing proof • hereditary algorithmic • populace sizeCabanacGuillaume Cabanac
2019articleSAGE PublicationsJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy SystemsAdaptive firefly algorithm based optimized key generation for image security303query table AND lookup table • pixel esteems • wavelet changeCabanacGuillaume Cabanac
2019articleSAGE PublicationsJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy SystemsA neural network based deep learning approach for efficient segmentation of brain tumor medical image data3502Euclidean separation • high-exactnessCabanacGuillaume Cabanac
2017articleSAGE PublicationsJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy SystemsA spatial, temporal and sentiment based framework for indexing and clustering in twitter blogosphere802dialect model • misfortune capacityCabanacGuillaume Cabanac
2020articleSAGE PublicationsJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy SystemsInformation security in WSN applied to smart metering networks based on cryptographic techniques202remote sensor organize • shrewd meteringCabanacGuillaume Cabanac
2017articleJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy SystemsInvestigate safety and quality performance at construction site using artificial neural network101shrouded layerCabanacGuillaume Cabanac
2019articleSAGE PublicationsJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy SystemsOptimal rough fuzzy clustering for user profile ontology based web page recommendation analysis2301cloud specialist organizationCabanacRhipidura Albiventris, Guillaume Cabanac
2020articleSAGE PublicationsJournal of Intelligent & Fuzzy SystemsBP neural network trade volume prediction and enterprises HRM optimization model based on ES-LM training901component extractionCabanacRhipidura Albiventris, Hoya Camphorifolia
  • 1 - 11 of 11